想知道如何支付大学学费? 我们可以帮你想办法. 在赌场捕鱼网投, we understand that education is an investment and students have always been our greatest investment. Lincoln is committed to helping a greater number of academically qualified students graduate than ever through our scholarship offerings. 奖学金 are “non-repayable” aid and Lincoln offers several different types of scholarships to help defray the cost of attendance for freshmen, 转移, 国际新生.
数额: $5,000 - $14,000
新生优异奖学金 are awarded exclusively to new incoming first-time freshmen on a competitive basis. 奖学金是根据成绩颁发的, 考虑优秀的学术成就 as well as co-curricular involvement demonstrated in the admissions application.
该奖学金包括以下类型的奖项: Achieve the Dream Award, 解放d Lion’s 引领ership Award, Dean’s Award and Provost's Award.
To qualify for the freshmen merit scholarships, 申请人必须符合以下条件:
This scholarship award can be renewed for up to three additional years (totaling four years) if the scholarship recipient meets the renewable criteria. 所有标准都列在奖学金通知上.
注意: This scholarship award cannot be combined with the Achieve the Dream, 总统奖, (即奖, 或校友折扣.
数额: 直接费用包括学费、杂费、食宿费吗
的最后期限: N/A
可再生能源: 是的
The President’s Scholarship is awarded exclusively to new incoming first-time freshmen on a competitive basis. 奖学金是根据成绩颁发的, 考虑优秀的学术成就, as well as co-curricular involvement demonstrated in the scholarship application. 符合条件的学生 必须 提交申请供考虑.
To qualify for the President’s Scholarship, 申请人必须符合以下条件:
This scholarship award can be renewed for up to three additional years (totaling four years) if the scholarship recipient meets the renewable criteria. 所有标准都列在奖学金通知上.
注意: This scholarship award cannot be combined with the Freshman Merit 奖学金, (即奖, 或校友折扣.
可再生: No
(即奖学金s are awarded to freshmen and 转移 students based on a combination of demonstration of financial need, 在某些情况下, 非学术的要求. The (即奖学金 is used to help close the gap between the cost of college and what a family can afford. All eligible students are awarded the need-based award as funds are available. 符合条件的学生 不 必须提交申请以供考虑.
The (即奖 is an annual award varying in value according to the student's financial need. In order to be considered for this award, students must meet the following eligibility criteria:
Students are not required to 提交申请供考虑 of the need-based scholarship. This scholarship award can be renewed for up to 3 years if the award recipient meets the renewable criterion. 所有可更新的标准都在奖学金通知中列出.
注意: This scholarship award cannot be combined with other institutional merit scholarships, 解放狮子领导奖或转学奖学金.
量: $2,000 - $3,000
The 狮子转学奖学金 is awarded to students 转移ring to Lincoln University from another college on a competitive basis. Academically qualified students 转移ring from a community college, 获得副学士学位的学生, or students seeking a new institutional home should apply for our Lion 转移 scholarship to assist with the financial cost of the transition.
The 狮子转学奖学金 is an annual award with a value ranging from $2,000 - $3,000. 才有资格申请这个奖学金, 申请人必须符合以下资格准则:
This scholarship award can be renewed for up to 6 additional semesters if the scholarship recipient meets the renewable criterion. 所有可更新的标准都在奖学金通知中列出.
注意: This scholarship award cannot be combined with other institutional merit scholarships or need-based awards.
量:学费 & 一般费用
Lincoln University has a long history of enrolling international students, 来自世界各国. The 国际学生优秀奖学金 supports students enrolled on an F-1 visa on a competitive basis. 奖学金是根据成绩颁发的, 考虑优秀的学术成就 and standardized test scores (ACT or SAT) as well as co-curricular involvement demonstrated in the scholarship application.
获得国际学生优秀奖学金, 申请人必须符合以下条件:
This scholarship award can be renewed for up to 3 additional years (totaling 4 years) if the scholarship recipient meets the renewable criterion. 所有标准都列在奖学金通知上.
注意: This scholarship award cannot be combined with the 解放狮子领导奖, 助学金或校友折扣.